Cause of deteriorating kidney health

Cause of deteriorating kidney health ~ Chronic kidney disease or better known in the public as chronic renal failure (CRF) is a condition when the kidney function begins to decline gradually. Indonesia Renal Registry defines chronic renal failure as kidney damage, can be a tissue abnormalities, blood and urine composition or renal imaging tests, in which more than three months.

CRF Status transformed into end-stage renal failure (End-Stage Renal Disease / ESRD) when the kidneys are no longer functioning. At this stage usually have a buildup of body wastes, fluids, and electrolytes that can harm the body if done without artificial filtering (dialysis / dialysis) or a kidney transplant.

Chronic Renal Failure-Alodokter

CRF itself, usually does not cause symptoms that make people with the disease is usually not aware of the symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. CRF usually detected at an early stage when a blood test or urine.

GGK advanced stages commonly experienced symptoms: shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, swollen ankles, feet, or hands due to a buildup of fluid in the circulation of the body, shortness of breath, as well as the appearance of blood in the urine.

Blood and urine tests on a regular basis every year is highly recommended for people at high risk of developing chronic kidney disease. You are at high risk, such as if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and a family history of chronic kidney disease sufferers.

Renal Function and Chronic Renal Failure Causes
The kidneys are located below the ribs. The shape resembles a pair of nuts on both sides of the body.
Functioning kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood before it is discharged through urine. Kidney also has various other functions are no less important, namely:

Regulate the levels of chemicals in the body that helps the heart and muscles to work properly.
Helps regulate blood pressure.
Producing a kind of vitamin D substances which maintain bone health.
Producing a glycoprotein hormone called erythropoietin that helps stimulate the production of red blood cells.
Some conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure into the causes of chronic renal failure. In the long term, these conditions cause damage to the kidney, so the kidney function decline.
People with Chronic Renal Failure Disease in Indonesia
Based on the results of the Health Research in 2013 by the Ministry of Health, as many as 0.2% of the total Indonesian population have this condition. Central Sulawesi Province was the region with the highest number that is, 0.5% of the total population in the province.
Data from the 7th Report of Indonesian Renal Registry 2014, kidney failure patients who do dialysis at most caused by hypertension (37%). Followed by diabetes (27%), and congenital abnormalities (10%).

Various Handling Chronic Renal Failure
CRF diagnosed and relatives can make you feel anxious. Consult a physician and fellow sufferers can make you find a way to get this disease does not take over your life.
This is because there is no cure for kidney failure. Treatment of this disease focus only slow or stop disease progression and prevent the emergence of other serious conditions. In addition, the therapy also aims to reduce the symptoms caused by the CRF.

Changes that occur in the body's circulation makes people with chronic kidney disease become more at risk of suffering a stroke or heart disease.

In patients with end-stage renal failure (End-Stage Renal Disease / ESRD) must do dialysis or a kidney transplant to replace kidney function has been damaged.

To be Avoided Chronic Renal Failure
People with certain conditions that lead to the risk of chronic kidney disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure are advised to be aware of their disease progression. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid the consumption of drugs that can damage the kidneys and avoiding excess alcohol consumption will help prevent kidney failure.