Showing posts with label Kesehatan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kesehatan. Show all posts

What is the Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a small gland in the male pelvis, which is part of the reproductive system. The prostate is located below the bladder in front of the rectum. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the canal that carries urine from the bladder to the penis.

Prostate produces fluid that helps nourish and protect the sperm. When ejaculation, prostate secrete this fluid to the urethra. Fluid emitted will flow along with the sperm as semen.

There is a prostate cancer that is aggressive and can spread quickly. But in general, prostate cancer grows slowly and does not spread.

According to WHO data, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men second. It is estimated that about 1.1 million men worldwide are diagnosed with prostate cancer and there were 307,000 deaths in 2012.

Cases of prostate cancer, based on data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2012 in Indonesia there are about 13,600 cases. With a mortality rate of up to 9,191 cases.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer may not cause any symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms of prostate cancer will occur when the prostate is too large or swollen and beginning to affect the urethra. Some of the signs and symptoms that arise when this happens is:
More frequent urination, especially at night
Feel pain during urination
Feeling the bladder is always full
Blood in the urine or semen
Reduced pressure while passing urine
Typically, signs and symptoms of prostate cancer will appear when the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. But the symptoms are not always caused by prostate cancer. The above conditions can be caused by a urinary tract infection.
Until now, the causes of prostate cancer is still unknown. But heredity or genetics and age a person can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
There are many tests and tests to determine the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The most common test to detect prostate cancer are: physical examination or a digital rectal examination. This check is performed to examine the size of the prostate gland.

Blood tests. This blood test is known as a PSA test (prostate-specific antigenatau prostate-specific antigen). But the test is not specific only to detect prostate cancer since PSA levels can also rise due to other conditions such as urinary tract infection or inflammation of the prostate.
Biopsy. Samples of prostate tissue is removed for examination in a laboratory.

Prostate Cancer Treatment
The earlier prostate cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chance the patient to recover fully. But if the cancer is still in its very early stages and does not cause any symptoms, the patient can choose to beware of them alone. Treatment of prostate cancer is through surgical removal of the prostate and radiotherapy. However, if the cancer is detected when it has spread to the bone, for example, then the cancer can not be cured. Treatment is done merely to prolong life and relieve symptoms.

dry eyes lasik and stahl eye center

over time, technological developments continue to evolve. more and more vehicles and air pollution around us. This makes the people in america become dry eye problems

artificial tear products have been circulating a lot in the market. This is an add dry eye sufferers. on artificial tear products have preservatives. so that artificial tears will only increase the dry eye sufferers in america. dry eye disease will add lasik.

Restasis Prescription medication is FDA approved only to treat the underlying cause of Some Dry eye. Stahl Eye Center conducted detailed studies on Restasis for Lasik Patients. Stahl Eye Center is experienced in handling patients with dry eye. Stahl Eye Center started in helping people since 35 years ago. Stahl eye doctors from the center graduated UCLA, Jhon Hopkins and YALE

Stahl Eye Center can be encountered in the three towns in New York, manhatan and Long Island. for more information please go to the address below. thanks

cara cepat hamil - posisi cepat hamil


posisi yang bagus untuk cepat hamil kadang memang terdengar cuma mitos. tp ini beberapa orang benar terbukti lho untuk mendapatkan pasangan kita seorang anak. berikut tips dan trick cara cepat hamil dengan posisi yang baik untuk cepat hamil. inilah beberapa tips supaya cepat hamil. Jika setelah menerapkan tips ini namun tak kunjung hamil sebaiknya segera berkonsultasi dengan dokter agar menemukan solusi yang terbaik bagi anda berdua.

l. Rencanakan waktu berhubungan
Untuk meningkatkan kesempatan terjadinya kehamilan, lakukanlah hubungan 2 hari sebelum masa ovulasi / keluarnya sel telur. Untuk mengetahui kapan terjadinya ovulasi ada beberapa yang dapat digunakan,
- sistem kalender
- suhu tubuh basal/ Basal Body Temperatur
- elastisitas lendir serviks, dan yang terbaru, strip penguji masa subur (dapat dibeli di apotik terdekat dengan nama fertility)

2. Berhenti merokok dan minum minuman beralkohol
Ingat tulisan di bungkus-bungkus rokok kalau "merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, gangguan kehamilan dan janin.

3. Konsumsi Vitamin
Vitamin C dapat meningkatkan kualitas sperma bagi suami, sedang vitamin E dapat meningkatkan kesuburan pria dan wanita. Wanita yang mengkonsumsi asam folat memiliki kesempatan hamil yang lebih baik dibanding mereka yang tidak mengonsumsinya.

4. Posisi berhubungan.
Posisi berhubungan yang disarankan bagi pasangan yang ingin hamil adalah missionary, di mana pria berada di atas tubuh wanita. Untuk itu, posisi bercinta woman on top (WOT) sebaiknya dihindari. Pasalnya, posisi WOT memperkecil peluang sperma bertahan lama dalam vagina, sehingga menghambat pembuahan sel telur.
”Posisi bercinta missionary membantu wanita cepat hamil. Hanya saja pasutri perlu menerapkan strategi, yaitu setelah pria ejakulasi, sebaiknya wanita mengangkat panggul dan jangan langsung berdiri agar sperma masuk ke vagina,” saran dr Hendro Sudarpo SpOG selaku Obstetrician–Gynaecologist Siloam Hospital.

5. Kontrol berat tubuh
Wanita yang sehat atau berat tubuhnya ideal akan lebih mudah hamil daripada yang terlalu gemuk ataupun terlalu kurus.

6. Nikmati proses hubungan seksual
Jika seorang wanita telah mengalami orgasme maka akan membentuk suasana basa yang lebih disukai sperma daripada suasana normal vagina (asam). Usahakan orgasme secara bersamaan atau kalau tidak jeda beberapa saat agar kesempatan sperma untuk selamat sampai di serviks lebih meningkat.

7. Jangan banyak bergerak setelah berhubungan badan
Ada beberapa ahli yang menganjurkan untuk memberi waktu sejenak untuk sperma berenang ke servik dan menganjal pinggul dengan sebuah bantal selama seks. Yang terpenting juga sewaktu anda membersihkan, hindari mengunakan cairan pembersih vagina sesaat setelah hubungan seksual, karena cairan pembersih vagina dapat bersifat toxic untuk sperma.

8. Jaga kesehatan
Menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita merupakan faktor yang cukup penting. Salah satunya dengan menjaga pola makan dan makan makanan yang bernutrisi, seperti sayuran, susu, buah-buahan. Untuk buah-buahan usahakan yang tanpa pengawet. Apel washington yang dijual di supermarket biasanya termasuk buah yang mengandung pengawet buatan yang sebaiknya jangan dikonsumsi jika anda ingin atau sedang hamil.

tips pregnant

eye health is extremely important for humans

eye health is extremely important for humans. eyes are including our vital tool in life. imagine if our eyes can not see. It feels so hard living.lasik eye surgery many American citizens demand. where you can get information about lasik? I will discuss it gives us explanations about health related subject. already for more than a decade of loyal provide an explanation to the patient and all those who need information about lasik eye health in particular. 

USAEyes let's keep our eye health. do not wait time. and provide you with the right belief. 

Eye is vital for human life


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lasik eye surgery, many American citizens demand. safe and wellLasik is the most common operations performed in the United States.
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oxiz company providing safe health products

OXIS is engaged in the research, development and sale of products that counteract the harmful effects of “oxidative stress.” 

they are professionals in the field of nutraceutical and cosmecuetical. therapy with a professional quality product. and good benefits for the consumer. they take advantage of the natural protective substances. because they think it is a good and safe roads.Their main products incorporate and emphasize the antioxidant "super multifaceted" compound, L-Ergothioneine ("ergo"), as a key component.

their products. 'Oxis will include L-Ergothioneine (ergo) as a key component. Ergo is, a variety of powerful antioxidants. The extraordinary nature of the ergo can be found in detail in Ergothioneine part of their website.

OXIS’ consumer products strategy addresses very important health concerns including aging and age-related disorders that are increasing with trends in US demographics. These concerns include:

Brain health
Immunity against diseases
Anti-aging/skin health
Blood sugar regulation

Our market entry and expansion strategy includes potential alliances with highly respected, credible and iconic thought leaders in each product category. Typically, these individuals or companies have established consumer followings or the ability to build meaningful and loyal customer bases.
Our plan is to develop on-going relationships with our customers and to be regarded as a health partner to individuals of all ages based on the products and educational content that we provide to them.
Channels for communicating our message and building sales being established include:
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Internet sales
  • TV Infomercials
  • Long and short form radio infomercials
  • Direct mail
  • Traditional retail approaches
We are planning two product launches for summer 2010
  • “Ergo-Pur™”  - ERGO-Pur is a pure form of our highly potent multifaceted antioxidant which we anticipate will be used in some cases in concert with:
  • “Ergo-Plex™” – ERGO-Plex is a combination of ERGO plus other functional nutraceutical ingredients directed at Joint Health.
Other products are being evaluated and include a line of skin care products. In addition we will develop other nutraceuticals and functional foods such as nutrition bars, energy beverages and single serve shots that lend themselves to traditional retail distribution

USAEyes is the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance

you need information about Lasik and similar vision correction surgery. now you are at the right post. and I will discuss about providing information about it.
This site by the name USAEyes. one of the organizations that have a reliable standard in providing health information. USAEyes has been quoted in Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, CBS News, National Public Radio, NBC Nightly News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fox News, Associated Press, MSNBC, and Oprah!It is certainly a good track record. These companies have entered a decade. reports provided by The USAEyes CORE and the world Lasik Patient Survey results are the same as reported by Lasik patients.

USAEyes  evaluates the Lasik results of individual doctors and certifies if they meet their exacting standards.
- * - A US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes as a reliable source of Lasik information.
- * - Representatives of USAEyes have testified before the FDA about Lasik patient advocacy.